
Microsoft win 10 usb
Microsoft win 10 usb

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Also, the OS stores the old version of Windows 10 on your hard drive in case you encounter problems and need to roll it back which means you'll lose a considerable chunk of drive space after it's installed.Ī better option is to perform a clean install rather than an in-place upgrade because the end result will be a fresh operating system that isn't bogged down with old system files, unnecessary Registry entries and incorrect drivers. Because the Windows 10 Creators Update is fairly big, there's more potential for things to go wrong. That said, the upgrade doesn't always run as smoothly as it could. Once it's done, your machine will have a raft of new features and improvements for you to try out. It might take some time to run, but you can generally ignore it and concentrate on more important things. Windows 10 updates run automatically in the background, so you're free to get on with other tasks.

Microsoft win 10 usb